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Diet advice on how not to over-eat or under-eat

4 min read

How to stop overeating: Effective strategies for controlling appetite

Eating is one of the very first activities that human beings engage in instinctively once they are born, alongside sleeping and crying. Eating is the easiest way to get the nutrients needed by the body for development and growth – through food, we get the macro and micronutrients to build our muscles, detoxify our organs, and even perform natural processes like reproduction.

Unfortunately, many people do not have a healthy relationship with food, leading to a large percentage of people falling on the extreme ends of the spectrum, on one end, overeating, on the other end, undereating. This is particularly bad for the body, as overeating puts the organs of the body under pressure, and might lead to overworking organs like the liver and kidney; while undereating throws the body into starvation mode, as the nutrient needed for life’s processes not be available insufficient supply. Funny enough, both conditions can lead to weight problems in the long run.

Overeating mostly happens when an individual does not know when he/she is satisfied, but the signal for being satisfied might not be easily recognized by some people. So how do you make it easy for your body to realize that you are satisfied?

Savor every bite and choose food that tends to increase satisfaction

Eat as slowly as possible. Some ingredients make it difficult to know when you are full – processed food, sugar, are some examples that come to mind, so kindly avoid this category as much as you can. As you try to eat food that has not been entirely processed or laden with sugar, chews for a longer period, enjoy the taste, and do not rush through your portion.

Watch the quality of your meals

You should make your meals yourself. That way, you’ll be able to choose ingredients that are high in nutrition and that can easily lead to satiety. If you do not have the time or skill, you can try reliable food delivery services companies, who can tailor their meal preparations to meet your specific needs. To find out which ones are available in your area, read some online feedback such as those on US-reviews.


Drink Water

There are different advice on whether to drink water before meals, during meals, or after meals to be able to trigger the satisfaction signal. But while the opinions differ, it is important to know that the human body and constitution differ, so on the issue of water intake, what works for one might not necessarily work for others. The consensus is however clear, that water intake is important to the well-being and satiety of any individual.

Undereating, on the other hand, means that you are not just eating enough. Mostly, the sign is in being underweight, but in some very few instances, it could also lead to weight gain as the body converts every food item into fat as part of its survival mechanism. Depending on the metabolism of each individual, one cannot be sure which way the pendulum will swing, but either way is dangerous to health.

Here are some tips on how not to under-eat:

  •         First, you need to get rid of the fear and the mental block: Some people have a fear that if they eat, they will gain fat, but the main purpose of eating is to fuel the body. Understanding food, its components, and the constitution might be the very first step to dealing with the fear of eating.
  •         Eat meals that are high in protein and complex carbohydrates: An individual that under-eats see eating as a chore. By eating meals that are high in protein and complex carbohydrates, such a person can get some of the nutrients they need for longer periods. You can also try to use dietary supplements (find out from your doctor, though) to ensure that you get enough nutrients for your bodily functions.
  •         Make your food interesting: Find out the little things you do enjoy when you eat and try to include them in your meals. This should give you something to look forward to, especially as you anticipate the various ways to incorporate your favorite items into meals. Also, try to experiment once in a while. Try cuisines from other parts of the world – you just might find something that suits your palate and preference.
  •         See a doctor: The medical challenges caused by under-eating could include fertility problems, depression, impaired growth, skin problems, constipation, hair loss, and low immunity, all of which could lead to complications. It is best to seek medical help and early intervention to avoid long-term ill effects.

The goal for both under-eaters and over-eaters is to find that balance, where they can take what their body requires for daily processes without any fear, guilt, or damage to their health.

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