February 10, 2025

Heart Sofiron

Keep this treasure Safe

The Essential Oil of Lemongrass – An Anti-Inflammatory Oil To Heal Torn Ligaments

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) is in the family of grasses (Poaceae or Gramineae) and comes from India and Guatemala. It is used extensively by the cosmetic industry for soaps and skin care products. It is one of the oils least tolerated by insects and is great in any mosquito repellent spray or added to your pet’s shampoo. Traditionally it was used in India for infectious illnesses and fever. Modern research in India shows that it also acts as a sedative on the central nervous system.

Lemongrass essential oil is antifungal, antibacterial anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory, regenerates connective tissues and ligaments, dilates blood vessels, improves circulation and promotes lymph flow. It can be used for bladder infections, respiratory and sinus infections, digestive problems, parasites, torn ligaments and muscles, fluid retention, varicose veins and Salmonella. It is excellent for the immune system, the lymphatics, blood and circulation. It is known to assist with headache relief, kidney infections and swelling and it can also be used for stimulating the thyroid. For emotional healing, use lemongrass to encourage upliftment, calm, balance, and integration. It’s primary effect is anti-inflammatory and that’s why it is such a good healing oil. It mixes well with rosemary, lavender, thyme, basil, frankincense, hyssop, geranium, nutmeg, cinnamon, clove, orange, petitgrain, spikenard, yarrow, and vetiver.

To use lemongrass essential oil, dilute one part essential oil with four parts mixing oil. This is considered a “hot” oil and may be sensitizing for some individuals. It can be directly inhaled, diffused or taken as a dietary supplement. As for safety issues, lemongrass is non-toxic but there is the possibility of dermal irritation and/or sensitization in some individuals. This is due to the high aldehyde content in the oil. Want to learn more about the healing properties of lemongrass and other essential oils? Consider becoming a certified aromatherapist. Educational courses in healing energy and aromatherapy can help you understand how essential oils heal the body/mind/spirit.

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