Hypnosis to Forget Someone – Getting Over an Ex
4 min readHave you been obsessing over an ex boyfriend or girlfriend and can’t seem to get over the relationship? We all know that breaking up with someone can be deeply painful, make us feel depressed and cause terrible mood swings. In my hypnotherapy practice, it’s quite normal to receive frantic phone calls from both men and women, requesting hypnosis to get over a relationship.
If you are experiencing emotional pain over the break up, it’s important to understand what factors might be contributing to your emotions. While hypnosis can be highly effective in improving your self esteem and confidence; in my opinion, being hypnotized to forget about another person is just not practical.
How can Hypnosis Help Get Past a Relationship?
Hypnosis is a tool which can be used to help you make powerful and healthy changes in your own thinking. According to cognitive behavioral therapy, our thoughts contribute highly to our emotions and stress levels. This is why it’s a much better idea to be hypnotized to love your self again, rather than try to erase the memories of someone else. I’ll bet there was once a time, not so long ago, when would go out with friends, engaged in things you liked to do, and have a lot of fun.
That interesting, and lovable person is still there, but right now, your conscious mind is too fixated on the break up. Our conscious mind is constantly analyzing situations and is always working. Sometimes, our conscious even comes up with false labels to describe a given situation; such as: I’ll never be happy again or, he was the only person who will ever love me. It isn’t long before these distorted thoughts stop you from being happy on your own. Hypnosis works by challenging your own irrational distortions, and by making positive, healthy suggestions to your subconscious. After a hypnotic session, you will begin to see the other person for who they really are, instead of who you want them to be.
How does Hypnosis Work?
Hypnosis isn’t some kind of voodoo or magic trick. In fact, most of us have naturally experienced hypnosis in our own lives in one manner or another. Hypnosis is nothing more than a deeply relaxed, highly focused state of mind, by where the hypnotist makes suggestions to your subconscious. While you are in trance-like state, your conscious mind is tranquil, rather than judging and critiquing. A person in hypnosis can wake up at anytime, and can’t be made to act in a way which goes against their natural behavior. Likewise, a person under hypnosis isn’t a zombie, and doesn’t behave like a robot. If you are going to have hypnosis for relationship problems, the hypnotist will probably try to lower your stress levels, by having you focus on something peaceful and serene. Once your mind is calm, the hypnotist can talk to the non-judgmental part of your mind-the subconscious. You can be hypnotized to look at your ex as someone who doesn’t deserve your love, or someone that isn’t worth your time. This is a far more healthy alternative than trying to pretend you never met in the first place.
Relationship Addiction
A good hypnotherapist will explore the reasons you are having so much trouble coping with the loss of a relationship and use hypnosis to boost your self confidence. For a moment, look at your past relationships. Do you see a pattern where you seem to date the same type of people? Do you hang on to the relationship, even when you know it’s not healthy? When one relationship ends, do you jump right into the next? In fancy psychological terms, this phenomenon is known as co-dependency or relationship addiction. Often relationship addiction can be a learned behavior, or stem from unresolved issues from the past; such as a parents divorce or being abandon either physically or emotionally as a child. The worst fear in the world for the co-dependent person is the thought of being alone. In hypnosis therapy, the hypnotist helps the individual learn healthy coping skills and new behaviors in an effort to not repeat the same unhealthy pattern.
It’s normal to feel bad after a relationship has ended. However; if you find yourself chronically depressed after the break up, and can’t find the motivation to function, it might be a good idea to seek professional help. You will be loved by someone again one day and love someone else-it just takes a little time. Hypnosis can be used to help you get over an ex, simply by changing the way you see your ex, and more importantly, how you see yourself.